Study identifier:D3254C00001 identifier:NCT04191304
EudraCT identifier:2019-002039-27
CTIS identifier:2023-510455-28-00
A Multicentre, Randomised, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Placebo-controlled, 24-Week Phase III Study with an Open-label Extension to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Benralizumab in Patients with Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES)
Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
Phase 3
12 Years - 130 Years
Allocation: Randomized
Endpoint Classification: -
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: -
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Verified 01 Feb 2025 by AstraZeneca
This is a multicentre, randomised, double-blind (DB), parallel-group, placebo-controlled, 24-week Phase III study to compare the efficacy and safety of benralizumab versus placebo administered by SC injection Q4W in patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES). This study comprises 2 distinct periods (together defined as the ‘main study’): A 24-week, DB treatment period, during which patients will be randomised to receive either benralizumab or placebo, in addition to their prior stable HES background therapy, and an open-label extension (OLE) period, during which all patients will receive benralizumab. The primary database lock (DBL) will occur when approximately 38 patients have had their first HES worsening/flare event during the DB treatment period and all randomised patients have had the opportunity to be followed up for the 24-week DB treatment period. A patient must complete the 24-week DB treatment period on investigational product (IP) to be eligible to enter the OLE treatment period. The final DBL will occur after the last patient completes the OLE.
This is a multicentre, randomised, DB, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, 24-week Phase III study to compare the efficacy and safety of benralizumab 30 mg versus placebo administered by SC injection Q4W in patients with HES. This study will be conducted at approximately 68 sites in 18 countries. The target patient population is male and female patients 12 years of age and older with symptomatic active HES. Eligible patients must be negative for the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion tyrosine kinase gene translocation. Potentially eligible patients will enter a 3-day screening period and will be required to have documented stable HES therapy for at least 4 weeks prior to Visit 1 and AEC ≥ 1000 cells/μL at local laboratory testing to proceed to the second day of the screening period. Patients will be assessed for corticosteroid responsiveness (defined as an AEC < 1000 cells/μL after 2 days of OCS [prednisone/prednisolone] 1 mg/kg/day given on top of the patient’s background therapy for HES) prior to randomisation; other OCSs in equivalent doses are permitted. Patients who are not corticosteroid responsive or fail any other eligibility criteria will be screen failed. It is expected that approximately 120 patients will be randomised at a 1:1 ratio at the randomisation/baseline visit (Visit 3) to receive either benralizumab or matching placeboQ4W for a 24-week DB treatment period. Recruitment may continue beyond 120 patients if required to achieve the target number of HES worsening/flares. Recruitment of adolescent patients is targeted to be broadly in line with expected prevalence rates of adolescents in the overall population. Approximately 4 to 6 adolescent patients (aged 12 to 17) are targeted to be randomised. Randomisation will be stratified. Approximately 40 patients will participate in a noninterventional interview to collect data on HRQoL and the patients’ experience during the DB portion of the study. All patients will remain on stable dose(s) and regimen of background HES therapy during the screening period and throughout 36 weeks of treatment (until Visit 12/Week 36 when the therapy can be adjusted). During this time, background HES therapy may only be modified if a patient has an HES clinical worsening/flare or an AE thought to be due to background therapy. AstraZeneca, sites, and patients will be blinded to the absolute eosinophil, basophil, and monocyte counts, differential blood counts (percentages) for all WBCs (eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes), and biopsy cell counts (if applicable) after randomisation/baseline (Visit 3/Week 0), during the entire DB treatment period, and for the first 4 weeks of the OLE treatment period (until Visit 10/Week 28) after which no blinding to WBC counts or biopsy cell counts is required. After the primary DBL, AstraZeneca will become unblinded to all patients’ blood and biopsy cell counts obtained during DB treatment period. The final dose of the DB treatment period will be given at Week 20, and the DB treatment period will complete at Week 24. All patients who complete the DB treatment period on IP may be eligible to continue into an OLE treatment period on benralizumab (30 mg SC Q4W). The OLE is intended to allow treatment with open-label benralizumab for at least 1 year for adults and at least 2 years for adolescents after completion of the DB treatment period of the study (earlier enrolled patients may therefore be in the OLE for longer than 1 year). AstraZeneca may choose to extend the study depending on the overall development program. Moreover, AstraZeneca reserves the right of terminating the OLE early (eg, if development of the asset is terminated or marketing authorisation is obtained). The primary DBL will occur when approximately 38 patients have had their first HES worsening/flare event during the DB treatment period and all randomised patients have had the opportunity to be followed up for the 24-week DB treatment period. Treatment allocation will remain blinded until the primary DBL. A patient must complete the 24-week DB treatment period on IP to be eligible to enter the OLE treatment period. The final DBL will occur after the last patient completes the OLE. Data from the OLE treatment period of the study will be presented in an addendum to the primary analysis CSR and/or a separate OLE treatment period CSR.
No locations available
Arms | Assigned Interventions |
Experimental: Benralizumab arm 1x Benralizumab SC injection | Biological/Vaccine: Benralizumab Benralizumab solution for injection in an accessorised prefilled syringe (APFS) will be administered subcutaneously (SC) every 4 weeks |
Placebo Comparator: Placebo arm 1x Benralizumab matching placebo SC injection | Biological/Vaccine: Placebo Matching placebo solution for injection in an APFS will be administered SC every 4 weeks |